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Ohio has 36 state institutions of higher education. These include universities, community colleges, and their regional campuses and learning centers.

In 1990, Ohio developed the Ohio Articulation and Transfer Policy to facilitate transfer of credits between the state institutions. The Ohio Transfer Module (OTM) detailed the policy. In 2021, the OTM was renamed the Ohio Transfer 36 (OT36).

In 2014, Ohio faculty convened around the need to revise the mathematics pathway and formed the Ohio Mathematics Initiative (OMI).

Together, the OT36 and OMI have created several new collegiate mathematics pathways. In addition to the traditional algebra-to-calculus pathway, college students can now experience mathematical reasoning through Quantiative Reasoning, Data Science, Technical Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Education, Logic, and Statistics. All of these are available to first-year students and satisfy general education requirements in mathematics.


To facilitate transfer, all of the new mathematical pathways have general learning outcomes detailed in the Ohio Trasfer 36: Mathematics, Statistics,and Logic category.

The first of these new mathematical pathways to be created was Quantitative Reasoning (QR). The learning outcomes for QR eastablished a designated mathematical pathway for students seeking degrees that did not require Calculus. QR is now the preferred course for non-Calculus/non-STEM students.

Nearly every institution now offers a Quantitative Reasoning course and is busy revising adminisrative infrastructure to place studnets into these courses appropriately.


A Quantitative Reasoning course is about reasoning.

Quantitative Reasoning courses are not focused on calculation procedures or solving steps or algebra. All of the mechanical skills necessary for QR have already been studied in high school algebra courses. QR courses put these skills to use. Students in a QR course apply these skills to real-world situations to help understand the circumstances. QR students use these skills to explain their perspective to other people.

These goals require a different learning environment than our traditional mathematics classrooms.


The OT36 Learning Outcomes specifically address the need for a dfferent learning model.

As such, a Quantitative Reasoning course needs to highly emphasize the core mathematical general education outcome, critical thinking, as its primary objective and outcome. Through class discussion and working together in small groups, students can be facilitated in the development of the following core Quantitative Reasoning outcomes referenced in the 2015 CUPM:
  1. Interpretation: Ability to glean and explain mathematical information presented in various forms (e.g., equations, graphs, diagrams, tables, words).
  2. Representation: Ability to convert information from one mathematical form (e.g., equations, graphs, diagrams, tables, words) into another.
  3. Calculation: Ability to perform arithmetical and mathematical calculations.
  4. Analysis/Synthesis: Ability to make and draw conclusions based on quantitative analysis.
  5. Assumptions: Ability to make and evaluate important assumptions in estimation, modeling, and data analysis.
  6. Communication: Ability to explain thoughts and processes in terms of what evidence is used, how it is organized, presented, and contextualized.

QR course are designed and presented and experienced differently than traditional algebra courses. Students learn by investigating, discussing, and explanaing. There is no lecturing. Students familiarize themselves with a situation, including probing inquiries that expand upon the given information.

QR students figure it out.

QR instructors teach students how to figure things out.

This means instructors must develop new teaching skills.

This is where our project enters the picture.


Quantitative Reasoning courses are designed and presented differently than traditional algebra courses. There is no lecturing. Students do not practice symbolic manipulative skills. Students learn by investigating with their classmates. They actively engage in the “figuring out”. They explain their understanding and communicate their thought processes.

Instructors do not lecture. They do not tell students what to do. They do not provide examples to follow. Instructors help students make decisions. Instructors help students think through their analysis. Instructors provide feedback to students from which students can improve their communcation.

This type of instruction is new to many college mathemtics faculty and they need professional development to prepare for the QR classroom.

The goal of the QuantNetOhio project is to organize the OT36 institutions into a professional development network whereby we can create and sustain ongoing support for new QR instructors.

In addition to building the network, the QuantNetOhio project will document the effective and ineffective aspects through the accompanying research study. This study can then be used as a blueprint for other states wishing to stablish a similar professional development network.